Seattle Public Schools

Board of Directors

School Board District Redistricting

Seattle School Board of Directors Redistricting

The Seattle School Board approved the new School Board director district boundaries on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022. 

This process does not affect where students go to school. 主任区边界不同于学校出勤区边界.

今年秋天,2024欧洲杯竞猜(SPS)和西雅图2024欧洲杯正规买球花了一些时间重新划分现任校长学区. 这意味着更新现有2024欧洲杯正规买球董事区的边界. 

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback during this process. 在重新划分选区的过程中,2024欧洲杯正规买球对公众意见进行了审查和考虑. 

Learn more about your district and the School Board directors.

Not sure which School Board district you live in? There are seven director districts throughout Seattle. 请浏览校董会网页,了解各校董会主任及现任学区的资料. 新的地区将对2023年当选的董事及其后的选举生效.

西雅图2024欧洲杯正规买球的所有董事都是在全市普选中选举产生的. School Board Directors are responsible for serving all schools in SPS, not only those located in their represented district. 

What are School Board Director Districts?

西雅图2024欧洲杯正规买球由七个主管职位组成,覆盖城市的不同地理区域. However, 所有学校董事服务于所有SPS学校,并在全市普选中选举产生.

主任区边界不同于学校出勤区边界. This redistricting process will not affect where students go to school.

Requirements for Director Districts

2024欧洲杯竞猜被要求每10年重新划定7个董事会选区的边界, following the U.S. Census. 西雅图2024欧洲杯正规买球目前正在进行重新划分过程,以确保学区的人口几乎相等.S. Census data. 

这个重划过程只会影响总监地区的边界, 在2023年及以后的选举中当选的董事必须居住在该范围内,选民必须居住在初选中. 所有董事都是在全市普选中选举产生的,并负责代表整个地区服务. 

Under state law, 西雅图2024欧洲杯正规买球被划分为七个学区,每个学区的人口必须几乎相等, as compact as possible, consist of geographically contiguous area, not favor or disfavor any racial group or political party, and, to the extent feasible, coincide with existing recognized natural boundaries and, to the extent possible, preserve existing communities of related and mutual interest.

Population, for purposes of director districts, 是指人口普查数据,而不是衡量居住在每个董事区的2024欧洲杯竞猜学生人数, the number of registered voters, or concentration of schools within a given region of the city.

The Seattle School Board, and other jurisdictions not scheduled to hold elections this year, must prepare a plan for redistricting by November 15, 2022.

Redistricting Frequently Asked Questions


所有董事都是在全市普选中选举产生的,并负责代表整个地区服务. 这个重划过程只会影响总监地区的边界, 在2023年及以后的选举中当选的董事必须居住在该范围内,选民必须居住在初选中.

Why is the Board made up of directors from different geographic regions? Why are the proposed director district boundaries drawn as they are? Why are some bigger and others smaller geographically?


Under state law, the director districts must be of nearly equal population, as compact as possible, consist of geographically contiguous area, not favor or disfavor any racial group or political party, and, to the extent feasible, coincide with existing recognized natural boundaries and, to the extent possible, preserve existing communities of related and mutual interest. Read more about these requirements:  August 31 Presentation to Seattle School Board by FLO Analytics (see slides 7-11)

Because of varying population density throughout the city, some districts cover larger geographic areas than others.

How is equity analysis used in the development of the Redistricting Plan?

1965年的投票权法案和华盛顿州投票权法案(RCW 29A).92) protect against vote dilution based on race and ethnicity. 检讨现有的董事区,并制订重新划分选区的方案,以征求公众和董事会的意见, FLO Analytics审查了人口普查数据,以分析拟议的边界变化的影响.



What does population mean for purposes of the Draft Redistricting Plan? Does it take into account the number of schools, number of Seattle Public Schools Students, number of registered voters, or projected growth?

Population, for purposes of director districts, refers to census population data from the census completed in 2020.


Population, for this purpose, 不是衡量2024欧洲杯竞猜居住在董事区学生人数的指标吗. 它也与城市某一特定区域内学校的集中程度无关.

Draft Redistricting Plan

SPS Board Redistricting Map (更新于2022年10月12日)2024欧洲杯正规买球在10月11日的会议上取代了更新的重新划分计划草案. 12 School Board meeting. 2024欧洲杯正规买球新的重新划分计划草案将于10月26日进行最终表决. View the calendar entry for the Oct. 26 School Board meeting.

Timeline for Director District Redistricting

August – November 2022

选区重划顾问FLO Analytics已被该地区聘请来分析当前总监地区的人口数据,并开发符合法律要求的潜在选区重划地图. 以下是就重新划分提供公众意见和供2024欧洲杯正规买球考虑的计划日期. 本页上的信息和以下时间表将随着重新划分过程的进展而更新.

Aug. 24 Executive Committee Meeting:向校董会执行委员会简介重新划分选区的程序

Aug. 31 Regular Board Meeting: Presentation on redistricting process by FLO Analytics. View the calendar entry for this meeting.

Sept. 21 Executive Committee Meetin委员会审议了一份理事会行动报告,其中提供了FLO分析公司为地区重新划分计划草案所开发的三幅可能的地图.

The Committee reviewed the three scenarios and selected scenario 1 to recommend to the Board as the district’s redistricting plan. Two other maps, scenario 2 and scenario 3, were considered as alternatives but not recommended by the committee. Online Scenario Viewer.

Sept. 21:重新划分计划草案已发布到本网页,通过“让我们谈谈”征求书面公众意见.

Sept. 28 Regular Board Meeting: Board Action Report for redistricting plan2024欧洲杯正规买球介绍,并通过公开听证会远程或现场听取公众意见.

Oct. 12 Regular Board Meeting: 在接受额外的公众意见后,2024欧洲杯正规买球考虑了对重新划分计划草案的四项潜在修正案. The Board approved Amendment 4 to the draft redistricting plan, 选了一张修订版地图(方案7)作为委员会最新的重新划分计划草案.

October 12: Draft redistricting plan, revised during the October 12 Regular Board Meeting, 已上载至本网页,欢迎公众透过“我们谈谈”发表更多书面意见. View the revised draft redistricting plan.

Oct. 26 Regular Board Meeting理事会将就重新划分选区计划举行公开听证会,并计划在本次会议期间采取行动. The Board Action Report for approval of the redistricting plan will be posted to the meeting agenda. View the calendar entry for this meeting.

Nov. 15: Legal deadline for School Board approval of redistricting plan (approval scheduled for October 26)